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How to deal with moldy tarpaulin

Views: 4     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2021-11-01      Origin: Site


Friends who often use tarpaulins may encounter mold or discoloration of tarpaulins due to incorrect storage methods. So how should we deal with the moldy and discolored tarpaulin when this situation is encountered? Next, Linyi Shengde Plastic Co.,Ltd will share with you some tips on how to deal with mildew and discoloration of tarpaulin.

Treatment method of tarpaulin moldy:

1. Understand the reason and cure both the symptoms and the root causes: First of all, we must know the cause of the tarpaulin moldy, so that we can treat the symptoms and the root causes. Because mold loves a humid, dark, warm environment, it can multiply in this environment. The fungus will pass through the tent fabric, between the fabric and the coating, and then damage the fabric.

2. Cleaning: In order to avoid the growth of mold and allow the tarp to support the tent, use warm soapy water and a sponge to wipe it clean. Soak the sponge with hot water and a specific solution, wipe the tarp and let the solution stay on the cloth, and then air dry.

3. Mildew removal: Mix a cup of salt, a cup of thick lemon juice and a gallon of hot water together. Gradually rub the solution around the visible mildew spots. After drying, you will find a cleansing effect.

Discoloration of tarpaulin:

1. The first thing to do is to ensure that the tarpaulin is not in contact with difficult-to-clean items such as carbon ink during normal use. After cleaning, toothpaste or powder made of white chalk should be applied to it, and it should be even. To be altered. Then dry it to avoid discoloration.

2. Dry the white paper mask to prevent discoloration: In addition to this method, you can also use white paper to cover the tarp and tear it off after drying to avoid discoloration.




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